We've had so much going on in the past couple of months, we've felt at times like we needed the world to stop spinning so that we could jump off and have a break.
The latest saga here in the Crazy Cave involved our 14 year old daughter's appendix ... or maybe it was her ovaries. Nobody really seems to know for sure. What we do know now is that her appendix will never bother her again and that, when it was removed, the surgeon found evidence of a ruptured ovarian cyst. I've never had issues with my appendix or my ovaries, but they both sound painful.
While she was in hospital, and I stayed with her, the Caveman had to keep the household running for himself and the boys. He was a trouper - he had been the one to be awake most of the night with her when she first went to our local hospital (I was working night shift at the nursing home), then he drove us to the Sunshine Coast the next day to get her admitted to the hospital where they would do the operation. (Our hospital doesn't do them - don't even get me started on the subject of our local area losing the facilities we used to have ... )
One of the jobs he had to do while I was gone was to help our youngest boy complete his homework for the next day. It was a bit of a 'project', not the simple maths and spelling that is usually brought home. With my poor hubby being so tired before even sitting down to help, I did wonder how it would go. Obviously our little man was a bit worried too - and luckily this provided some comic relief for the whole family.
This is the text I received from The Caveman:
He said 'If I don't get this finished, I will get time in the reflection room, which is the third worst punishment in the school behind being suspended or 'executed' from the school!
Execution does seem a little extreme, doesn't it? It certainly gave everyone a giggle, including our poor girl with the sore tummy (which was, of course, made worse by laughter).
It gave his teacher a good chuckle too, when she was told about it the next day ... and no, he was not executed!