I woke up at 4 am today. That's early, even for me. I am a morning person; it's not unusual for me to be awake anytime from 5.30 am and enjoy watching the sunrise - although I can sleep until after 7 and be perfectly happy with that too!
Some mornings I just wake early and can't get back to sleep. I could blame it on work. If I'm doing a morning shift, I set the alarm for just after 5 am. The problem with that theory is that I don't actually do enough morning shifts to form a habit of waking then.
Maybe it's my bladder? As I get older, a quick trip to the toilet in the early hours is becoming a more regular thing. I normally drop back off to sleep afterwards though.
Anyway, I couldn't get back to sleep this morning. Just after 5, I decided to give up trying and just get up. No worries, I can do that quietly. My Caveman is definitely NOT a morning person, so it would be rude to wake him before his alarm goes off. He has started getting extra hours at work, and his Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia is flaring up, so he's been in a state of constant exhaustion lately. The more sleep he has, the better. Also, today is a Saturday and the end of the cricket season. His team has made the final, so he will be playing this weekend and next ... it's going to be a big week all round for him.
So, I roll over to pick up my glasses off the bedside table. I fumble in the dark and bump my mobile phone instead. The phone bumps into the glasses and knocks them off, onto the carpet. Crap. I lean over the edge of the bed and feel around on the floor ... can't feel them anywhere. I've dragged the sheet over with me and the Caveman is starting to stir. I unwrap myself from the sheet and keep feeling around on the floor. Bugger, it would be easier to find them if I had my glasses on. Why aren't they there? I'm starting to get slightly frantic now - I heard them drop and my eyes have adjusted to the dark enough so that I can see they're definitely not still on the bedside table. Maybe they're in my shoes, partly tucked under the edge of the bed? No, not there either. Maybe they dropped into the bag on the other side of the table - it's a gift bag with assorted items thrown in it from the last time I tidied the bedroom (you know, all the stuff that you intend to sort through later, but never actually get to).
I decide I'm going to have to get out of the bed to keep looking. Let me tell you, when you need to wear glasses all the time, there is nothing more scary than the idea that you might accidentally stand on them in the dark - I only have the one pair (despite all the great offers from Specsavers) and the world really is a blur without them.
So, having determined that my glasses are not on the area of carpet I intend to place my body on, I climb carefully out of bed and kneel on the floor to continue looking. I go for the gift bag, but I can't actually pull it out; it rustles as soon as I touch it and the Caveman stirs again. I can see the glasses are not sitting in the top of the bag, which makes sense - I heard them hit the carpet (I know the sound, I've done this before). I pick up the clothes I dropped on the floor when I changed for bed last night; nothing there either. I'm completely stumped, until I spot a blurry shape in an unexpected spot; could that be them? I lean forward to check ... there they are! On the carpet (see, I knew it!), between the bed and the bedside table. I'm sure I'd checked there already, but maybe not very thoroughly. I really didn't think they'd fallen off that side of the table. It was my ears, not my eyes, that had failed me this time.
I put my glasses on, stand up, grab my phone and exit the room silently, Caveman still snoring. Thank goodness.
Conclusion? Not only is my sight useless without glasses, I may also need to get my hearing checked again soon 😉