Just recently he came home from a day of cricket with a hand injury - he'd split the webbing between his thumb and forefinger. OUCH. Don't worry, it makes me cringe just thinking about it too. It didn't look pretty, but he had it bandaged up by someone at the ground and continued to play. Yep, you read that right. Continued to play. I didn't even know about the injury until he got home that night and showed it to me.
It probably could have done with a stitch or two in it, but it was already late and he didn't feel like going to the hospital and waiting to be seen. We agreed it would probably heal just fine on its own, as long as he looked after it - with the warning that if I saw any sign of infection, I'd have him straight to the doctor. Anyway, he promised he would be diligent about looking after it.
So, off he went to cricket again the next day. I KNOW! Unbelievable. Anyway, luckily it didn't slow down the healing and within a couple of weeks you wouldn't have even known there was an injury at all. Of course, there was also the distraction of thinking he'd broken his thumb in the next game another week later. Only bruised, as it turned out, but it all made me kind of grateful that he's the only sporty child we have.
Our youngest son, aged 12, was playing cricket at school last week - because it was a class activity. When he was younger we tried to get him to play the game but he has never shown any interest. We don't mind too much, we're not pushy about the kids doing something they don't want to do. He's always been active, he just doesn't really enjoy organised team sports. Anyway, thanks to that one season of junior cricket when he was small, as well as playing in the backyard with his big brother over the years, it turns out he's pretty talented. Enough for the teachers to now be trying to encourage him into the school cricket team. He still says he's not interested, so we'll see how they go with that.
He went to watch one of his friends play baseball just a few days ago and when I picked him up afterwards I asked the standard question, "So, do you think you'd like to have a go at playing baseball yourself?" His response: "Nah ... it looks okay, but then there's that running part."
My daughter, sitting in the front seat of the car, burst out laughing and said, "That right there is my whole problem with sport. There's always a running part!"