Saturday, 1 January 2022

Happy 2022!

As we begin a new year, it seems a good time to reflect on the ups and downs of recent times. Moving on from our own personal trials, such as the fire and its aftermath, moving house, etc, there has also been so much turmoil around the country and the rest of the world.

Employment opportunities have been scarce for anyone looking for work. Housing shortages have put entire families out on the street or in a caravan in someone else's back yard. Being unable to travel has not only disrupted holiday plans, but also affected working situations for many. 

We postponed a trip we had booked, to Western Australia. We were devastated to have to give it up. It is a rare thing for us to go on holiday anywhere, so this was going to be a real treat. However, there have certainly been other people in a worse position than us, being kept separated from loved ones, so we put our disappointment aside and now can only hope that things run more smoothly later this year, when we plan to take the trip we've postponed.

Of course, one of the least enjoyable aspects of the COVID 19 pandemic has been the arguing between pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine supporters. It doesn't seem to matter which side of the fence you sit on, there is someone prepared to attack your opinion. I've been saying for ages that I'm pro-vax but also pro-choice. I do believe that everyone should be free to choose whether they have the vaccine or not. Having said that, if the vaccine is the only way to protect most of the population from the more nasty affects of the virus, I can understand why mandates have been brought in to give a push to those who are still hesitant. I do not understand people who will turn to the health system when they need medical advice but then refuse to believe the advice on vaccines. I try not to even engage with people who share YouTube clips featuring discredited or fake scientists, trying to convince everyone that the virus is a hoax or that the government is out to control or even "kill off" sections of the population.

I've watched former friends disappear down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories long before COVID 19 was impacting our lives, so I'll admit my patience on that front has worn pretty thin. I have seen too many friendships and even family relationships badly affected because some people just can't agree to disagree.

We've been so lucky to not be too badly affected by virus cases in our little corner of the world. It does mean that many people here are quick to rubbish the idea of masks, checking in and getting the vaccine, but the tide is slowly turning, now that we are seeing the virus begin to spread here as well. The only impact it's had on our family directly, so far, is that our eldest boy couldn't come home for Christmas. One of his housemates was classed as a "close contact" of someone who tested positive, so their entire household had to isolate together for the Christmas period. It was a bit sad to not see him, but we know we'll catch up again soon.

No doubt the virus will be around for some time to come, but as we enter into the new year our personal plan is to focus on more positive topics. Family is still, as always, the most important thing. We've been quite self-focused in the past 12 months, with everything that has happened. We closed ranks and sheltered each other from the outside world. Now, we feel ready to get more involved with other people again. The Caveman has been joining more social groups and I've been reconnecting with some of my old friends. We both know it's important that we develop our own interests and social lives outside of the family as the kids get older.

We genuinely hope the year ahead holds good fortune and happier times for everyone we know and love.