Thursday, 3 January 2013

It's the Hairdresser's Fault ... Really!

There I was, in the chair at the salon, having my colour touched up and a trim done, chatting with my hairdresser.  We both enjoy catching up on a bit of gossip and regaling each other with funny stories about the things our loved ones have done in the six weeks or so since we last saw each other.  It's always fun, a little escape (and pampering!) for me, with some proper grown-up girl talk thrown in.

Somewhere during the course of the visit, I happened to mention that I am looking to get back into the workforce (my youngest child being in school now).  Naturally, the question I received was, "What sort of work are you looking for?".  Hmm, good question ... and one I don't have a clear answer to.  I had to admit to her that, at nearly 40 years of age, I STILL don't know what I want to be when I grow up.  The only thing I could think to say, off the top of my head, was, "One thing I've always thought I'd love to do is to be an author one day."  Immediately my hairdresser stopped, looked at me and said, "Hey, you could write a blog!"

It was a light bulb moment.  YES!  What a fantastic idea!  I, humble full-time mum of three, could write a blog ... I'd be good at that, right?  I enjoy reading the occasional blog myself.  I have so many funny stories to share (and just as many not so funny), surely nobody else's life would be complete until they've read MY blog.  It may not be an actual job, but would give me something constructive to focus on and maybe even provide some insight (or laughs) to others along the way.  I came home on a high (and it wasn't just because of the chemicals from the salon!) and jumped online to find out all about blogging.

Hmm.  First of all there are lists of mistakes I should avoid making.  From choosing the right name for my blog, to the importance of keeping it interesting so my readers don't get bored and turn away in droves.  ('Droves' of readers sounds promising though!).  There are privacy issues to think about .. do I want the whole world to know my kids' names?  Then there's all that stuff about page design, stat counters and URLs.  I am the most technologically challenged person in my family, so that should be fun.  Apparently I also have to blog regularly (at least 3 times per week according to one site ... really?).  And that's all before I have to deal with some inevitable Writer's Block along the way.

No pressure then.

It hasn't put me off though ... I am happy to give it a go.  I may not follow all the guidelines and I can't guarantee every blog will be interesting to everyone, but at least I will have tried something new (and, who knows, it might look good on my resume!).

If it all falls apart, I'm blaming my hairdresser ;-)

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