Wondering whether this birthday will still feel special for him made me think of this time last year, when we celebrated him reaching 'the big 4-0'.
We were actually on holiday at Jindabyne in New South Wales. Family holidays are pretty much non-existent on our income, but early last year we won a travel voucher and decided to spend it on a (probably) once-in-a-lifetime trip to the snow.
The Caveman was the only one of us who had ever travelled on a plane before, or seen snow - way back when he was a toddler - so this was a huge family treat. The travel there and back was great (it turns out we all enjoy flying!) and the snow, even better. It was a budget holiday, as snow trips go ... we didn't stay in a resort and we didn't try any skiing.
Although, since certain members of our family are a little accident-prone, putting any of us on skis would have seemed like an invitation for disaster anyway. We did do some tobogganing and that was scary enough!
Staying in Jindabyne meant that it was only a short drive to get to the Perisher or Thredbo ski resorts, but we also managed to fit in other, non-snow activities (such as boating on the massive lake and arranging a horse riding session for our girl). It really was the best of both worlds.
All that, combined with a stopover (and sightseeing!) in Canberra the night before flying home, made for the most amazing family holiday ever. The fact that the Caveman had his birthday while we were at Jindabyne just made it even more special.
So, while this year's birthday will be much more low-key, the memories of last year's will stay with us for a long time.
My own 40th is creeping up quickly now and I will take the opportunity (as I do every year) to gloat about the fact that, for the next six weeks, he is two years older than me instead of just one!
Happy birthday, my darling Caveman xx