It's another hot, sweltering day here in South East Queensland, although it doesn't seem that long ago we were all complaining about how cold it was.
Honestly, this year we seem to have skipped from Winter straight into Summer. We had a beautiful Spring ... it lasted for about a week before the heat set in.
The kids are on holidays from school for two weeks, so the good thing about this weather is that we can justify throwing towels and sunscreen into the car and heading to the beach.
Not that we often do. We don't live that far from the coast really: about an hour's drive, so you wouldn't think it would be that difficult.
Unfortunately, when it's this hot, sometimes it just seems easier to stay at home. Maybe we should make more of an effort to get out though.
My littlest Caveman and I had the house to ourselves this afternoon, as his sister is at a friend's house overnight and his Dad and brother were out playing golf. My little boy had already spent plenty of time outside, before coming into the house to play Minecraft on the computer (what is it about that game that kids love so much anyway?).
I was sorting out laundry when he got my attention by dramatically slapping his hand to his forehead.
'Oh I'm so silly!' he gasped, 'I've spent all this time inside when I could have been outside.'
'Well, yes,' I responded enthusiastically, glad he'd finally seen the light. 'That's why computers are bad for you.'
'No, Mum,' he said, 'I meant in my computer game I've spent all day in the house I built, when my character could have been outside instead!'
Well. So much for that life lesson.
On the upside, he really hadn't been on the computer long, and then only in the heat of the day when I'd prefer for him to not be out in the sun anyway.
We're still going to the beach these holidays though.
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