It has been a hectic time here in our Crazy Cave - The Caveman and I have both been studying hard (which in my case also included 2 weeks of placement, or 'work experience', in an actual aged care facility). My course finishes in just a couple of weeks and then I am in the scary position of actually having to find a REAL JOB.
Of course, with us being so busy, it was only a matter of time before our kids decided they needed some extra attention.
It started with our littlest Caveman last Monday. He was playing on the school playground at pick-up time (I was actually standing only a couple of metres away from him when it happened). He decided, like so many other children, that running up the slide would be much more interesting than the more practical option of climbing up the ladder to slide down it on his bottom. Next thing, he'd slipped and fallen on the slide, landing with all his weight on his right hand. He came crying to me, so I gave him a cuddle, checked his fingers and assured him they were just bruised and would be fine.
Oops. It turned out, after X-rays the next morning, that he had a tiny fracture in his pinky finger. No problem, the doctor taped it up and he went off to school. Of course, convincing a six year old to NOT remove the tape through the day because 'it's annoying, Mum!', is a whole other story, but he's getting better at leaving it alone now.
As if one injured child wasn't enough, our teenager fell at cricket training on Thursday night, also causing some concern. He too went off to hospital the next morning, for X-rays on his right knee and left wrist. Luckily, it turned out nothing was broken, although he has done some ligament damage around the knee, which will take quite a while to heal properly.
It was also lucky for his sister that he hadn't broken anything ... as I watched the Caveman driving away to take him to the hospital, I turned to my Cavegirl and said, 'you know, if he's broken something as well, YOU are not going anywhere this weekend!'. Two injured children in one week is quite enough, thanks.
Although, on second thought, maybe the boys are just catching up with their sister. She has already done her time in the local hospital, after falling out of a tree in our backyard a couple of months ago and landing on her back - resulting in numbness and more than a little parental panic. After a ride in the ambulance and a stack of X-rays, she turned out to be suffering bruises and strains, but nothing more.
Maybe it's time I petitioned the hospital to give us our own room ... we do seem to spend a lot of time there!
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