Christmas suddenly seems so 'last year' ...
The sparkly tree and decorations have been taken down, the new calendar is up on the wall and we are ready for the New Year.
Oh, except for making resolutions ... I haven't done that yet.
It's because I haven't decided on one. Maybe I should resolve to be better at making decisions. Or to do less procrastinating (then I might get to my blog more often), or simply to be more well-organised. Now there's something my household could really benefit from!
I could even get really specific, by resolving to vacuum the house more regularly, or be better at planning my meals for the week or paying my bills on time.
To be honest, I don't tend to get too caught up in New Year's resolutions. I'm not a smoker, or much of a drinker, and I am happy with my health, so I can't do the standard 'I'll give up alcohol' or 'I'll go on a diet' resolutions. Anyway, it's been shown that if you place pressure on yourself by making one of those, it makes it harder to stick with it. I guess if you are really committed to achieving those things you'll just do them, regardless of the date.
In the end, I usually pick the same sort of vague resolution every year - to try to be a better person. To be more patient, more kind, more loving, more helpful. To be willing to listen, learn and understand better. To remember that my view of the world is narrow and that there is so much I do not know.
I think, if we all took that resolution, maybe the world really would be a better place.
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