Tuesday, 1 April 2014

When I Feel Like It.

So. This is me today -------->

Procrastinating.  Putting things off.

It's not like I have nothing to do. I can see the dirty floors, the load of clothes in the laundry hamper, the dirty dishes beside the sink. All waiting to be washed. By me, I'm guessing.

It's not only housework either. I also have a couple of letters to write and some sewing projects to start on, among other things.

The problem is, I have no motivation. No energy. No desire to do any of those jobs today. I just don't feel like it.

It's a beautiful day outside. I could easily curl up with a book and a coffee on the back deck and just relax in the cool breeze. That doesn't get my housework done though. It will still be there, staring at me, when I come back inside.

Sometimes I wish I had the power to stop time ... you know, just for a little while.  Maybe an hour or three, to catch up on some sleep when I need it.  Or occasionally even for a whole day, so that I could focus on getting the house clean with absolutely NO interruptions. But then, with no commitments outside the home today - for once - that's kind of how the day should have run for me anyway.

Except that I just don't feel like it. That's a bummer. Having an entire day with nothing else to do and it coincides with a lazy streak a mile wide, that stops me wanting to achieve anything at all. It's ironic really.

You would think that the idea of having a tidy house (a rare thing for us) would be enough to get me off my backside, but it's not. I guess I could invite a friend over. That was a technique I used to use when I was younger ... knowing someone was coming to see me was a guaranteed way to make sure I got things done around the house. But today? Meh. I don't think it would make any difference.

There should be a support group for this sort of thing - a kind of 'Procrastinators Anonymous'. We could all meet somewhere on a set day every ... oh wait, hang on. That won't work. None of us would turn up.

I'm sure I'll have some enthusiasm for getting things done tomorrow. In the meantime, maybe I should grab that book and make that coffee.  In fact, I will ... just as soon as I feel like it.

1 comment:

  1. I read a great meme for this today....we should invite a bunch of our OCD friends to visit - they won't be able to resist putting things right ;)
