Apparently though, this holiday has left a bit to be desired. One of my children has been quite vocal about the fact that, 'We haven't done anything exciting, or gone anywhere different ... it doesn't feel like the holidays!"
It's true, we haven't done really done too much out of the ordinary. That would have taken more time than we had available (Hubby and I have still had to work our usual hours), not to mention the money we don't have spare at the moment. I would have loved to do something a bit different as well. I was hoping we could at least go camping these holidays - somewhere with no technology or mobile reception sounds like heaven right now!
On the subject of work .... I have kept my job (yay!), but my role is changing. With the aged care facility I worked in preparing to close down sometime soon, I have been working more in another residential facility owned by the same company. Same job, but different routines, people and building layout. As well as learning the new place, I am also training soon to be a Home and Community Care worker ... so a fair bit of my focus these holidays has been on my own job (and the uncertainty of whether I even still had one was a big concern for a number of weeks).
Having said that, the holidays weren't all boring for the family. We had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Our Cavegirl had her best friend come to stay for nearly a week. My sister had her 40th birthday celebration, which we hosted at our house. It meant we got to catch up with some family and friends we don't see very often, but they were mostly adults. The kids did some of their own camping in our paddock - still quite close by, because 'There's no WiFi if we go too far from the house!' (you can see why I think a real camping trip would be a good thing). We've also had more trips to the cinema than we usually would, to try to make up for not doing a lot else for the kids lately. The price at our local cinema is excellent, so that's something we CAN manage.
There have been more serious things taking up our time too. The Caveman has a broken finger (another cricket injury!), requiring a number of appointments and an operation so it could be pinned. His mother is also facing a health issue at the moment which has involved a couple of hospital visits, with more to come.
All in all, we've had quite a busy 'holiday' period ... but I can see why it might not have felt like a whole lot of fun for the kids. Hubby and I enjoy being able to relax at home whenever we have the chance, forgetting that they haven't been as busy as us and would rather go somewhere else for once.
I'd like to think things will settle a bit once school goes back, but I have to admit, I'm not that confident!
I'd like to think things will settle a bit once school goes back, but I have to admit, I'm not that confident!
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