He also, a few nights later, had a get together in our back yard with a few of his mates. We live on a hillside, so it can be breezy. Also, being winter, it's a bit chilly at night. We put up tarps around our gazebo, to give them a sheltered area, and they sat around the fire pit eating hot food and toasting marshmallows. I was concerned about how the neighbours would feel about the loud hip hop music we played until 10 pm, but we've had no complaints.
Someone asked me if being the mother of an 18 year old makes ME feel old. I jokingly replied, 'Only if someone mentions it!', but the reality is, no, I don't feel old at all. I think, because my boy has been taller than me for a number of years now, and is quite mature for his age, 18 just feels to me like an age he should have already been. He is a deep soul, very open-minded and caring towards others. He observes the world around him before making judgements, and he generally thinks before he acts.
Of course, he's not perfect. It can still be a struggle to get him to help enough around the house. He fights with his sister and gets annoyed with his little brother. He doesn't always open up about what's bothering him, so we sometimes don't know there's an issue until he snaps at one of us or gets frustrated. He takes on his friends' problems and worries for them, too much sometimes. He struggled with school, and didn't complete it. Now he's job hunting ... and it can be soul-destroying to keep getting knocked back.
He's persistent though, and I've got no doubt he'll get something soon. He'll have his licence later this year and be able to do more of his own thing. When he was younger he was so shy, but now I love watching him talk to other people and seeing how much more confident he is in social situations. We see him with his cricket team mates and it's obvious he is genuinely well-liked by all of them, young and old alike. I adore his sense of humour, which is best described as dry. He's 196 cm tall, but when someone asks him what he wants to be when he 'grows up', he says, deadpan, 'Taller.'
Yeah, he's pretty funny. And a genuinely nice young man. He's growing into a really good person and we're pretty proud of being mostly responsible for that.
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