'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse (well, not now that we've given up on the cat being any good at mousing and started laying out traps for them ourselves instead).
The stockings were hung with care - none of the kids believe in Santa anymore, but of course "Mum, we still want our stockings!" I told them once they stop believing in the big guy, they get underpants in their stockings, but they said they were fine with that.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds ... eventually. I think we all hit the sack somewhere between 11pm and midnight. I have no idea what visions were dancing in the kids' heads, but I'm sure I was seeing double by the time mine landed on the pillow.
If there was any clatter, I didn't hear it. I'm pretty sure St Nick didn't call his reindeer by name outside my window, or I would have leapt out of bed just to throw a broomstick in his general direction. Oh, and heaven help him if he dared to break into my house and mess with my neatly packed stockings!
The only rosy cheeks I saw this morning were my own, after I woke up at the slightly offensive hour of 5 am and put some makeup on so as to not scare normal people away.
I know none of it rhymes. I don't care. I'm tired. This is why, if I'm going to do a Christmas blog, I usually do it at least a few days in advance, when I'm in love with the season and wishing everyone peace.
This morning, once I pulled up my big girl panties and made a beeline for the coffee, I figured the day would go the way it was meant to and I was ready for anything. But it ended up being a great morning. Everyone loved their gifts. We had an early lunch and lots of good conversation. Not everything went to plan; I didn't have time to make the pavlova and I forgot all about the honey soy chicken pieces that were already prepared and in the fridge. But it was good anyway and I'd happily do it all again tomorrow.
I do wish everyone peace, and love and health and happiness. Friends who have lost loved ones are, as always, at the front of my mind. I know it's hard. This is my second Christmas without my Mum, and even though it's much easier than last year, she still hovers in my thoughts regularly. I also find as the kids get older that I enjoy every little bit of Christmas spirit that we share - the older two are just about all grown up now and could fly the nest anytime, and I'm aware we'll never get this time back. I'm pretty certain we'll never again convince all of them to pile into one little car with us to cruise around and check out the Christmas lights!
The only tradition we have still to honour this year is the Christmas movie. It doesn't matter which one. We have two or three that we watch together every year, so our afternoon is set.
Right after I have a nap.
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