Nice try, son. At this point, the only person having trouble breathing was his older brother, who had followed him down the hallway and was laughing so hard he couldn't catch his breath.
You see, our older boy plays cricket. I'm sure anyone who knows anything about cricket can already see where this is going.
For anyone unfamiliar with the game, one of the most important pieces of personal player equipment is a protector, or "box". Basically it's a triangular shaped article (and yes, moulded a little like a breathing mask) which is designed to be slipped down inside the front of the pants for the purpose of protecting a player's ... er ... even more important "personal equipment".
This was what our younger boy had picked up in his bedroom (which he shares with his brother) and had decided was a vital piece of first-aid equipment. Once the rest of us realised what he was actually holding, we all experienced trouble with our breathing - laughter can have that affect.
I explained to our little man that the article he was holding in his hand had nothing to do with breathing and suggested to his brother that he should explain to him what it actually was. In the privacy of their own bedroom, to save further embarrassment for either of them.
The two boys disappeared back down the hallway and I could hear the murmur of their voices as big brother talked to little brother about what he'd found. The next sound we heard from their room was a very loud "Eeeww!" from little brother. Cue more laughter from the rest of the house. Yes, now he knows what it's used for.
It was perfectly clean but, when he has a chance to think about it, I'll bet he wishes he hadn't put it anywhere near his face.
LOL - would love to have seen that. Interesting thing though - Declan knows what breathing masks are and what they are used for. Clever almost 6 year old :-)