Tomorrow is Mother's Day here in Australia. I usually receive lovely little gifts from my gorgeous children and the Caveman makes an effort to get out of bed a bit earlier and help them get my breakfast as well. We don't go overboard, since it's too easy to get caught up in the commercialism of the day, but I always get to feel a bit more special (at least until the kids start arguing!).
This year though, I don't get to have the day all to myself. Our littlest Caveman was born the day before Mother's Day, 6 years ago. Thanks to the passage of time (and a couple of leap years), this is the first year his birthday has landed right on Mother's Day. Lucky for him, I don't mind sharing.
We decided to have his birthday party this afternoon, the day before his actual birthday (I figured asking all the other parents to give up THEIR Mother's Day for a 6 year old's party might have been pushing the friendships a little). Plus, I really could do without the extra stress tomorrow, when I'm supposed to be relaxing. Doing it today made much more sense. It has come on top of a very busy week though so, with the party guests gone, I'm now anticipating a foot rub and maybe even a glass of something strong before bed tonight.
I had a funny conversation with my little man the other day. We were in the car and he had just eaten one of those chocolate eggs with the little toy inside. He wanted to put the toy together, so he pulled out the instructions to look at. I asked, "Are you sure you're right with that? I can help you when we get to where we're going." He assured me he would manage but then, after a few seconds consulting the instructions in silence, he threw them across the back seat of the car with a frustrated sigh and said, in his best grown up voice, "Well, that was a waste of time." I asked what had gone wrong and he answered, "Well, first of all ... I can't read!"
Of course, that was stating the obvious - he is still learning to read. This is exactly what I find so amusing though; it's not what he says, but how he says it. He has always been our little entertainer.
His reading is coming along better than he thinks too ... he read every card given to him by his party guests today, with no problems at all.
Mother's Day is fantastic, it's great to feel appreciated by my family. We will have the Caveman's mum here as well, and my own mum knows she will be in my heart even though she lives too far away to visit for the day. This year though, it will be extra nice to celebrate a special birthday as well.
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers everywhere and a very happy birthday to my little Caveman xx
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